Tasks of the ombudsperson of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Henkel AG & Co KGaA – also on behalf of its Group companies – has appointed Dr. von Coelln as external ombudsperson.

Employees or business partners of Henkel as well as other stakeholders may contact Dr. von Coelln as a neutral body either openly or anonymously, if they observe a potential violation of applicable laws or of Henkel's compliance regulations allegedly committed by a Henkel employee. The conversation with Dr. von Coelln is particularly protected by the duty of confidentiality imposed on her as a lawyer. The ombudsperson contacts the reporter within one week of receiving the report.

The reporter does not incur any costs – his/her correspondence with the ombudsperson is free of charge from the initial contact to the completion of the processing of the report. The ombudsperson checks the reports for plausibility and, if there is sufficient suspicion of a compliance violation, forwards them to the Henkel Compliance department after consultation with the reporter. If requested, the anonymity of the reporter will be preserved towards Henkel; the identity of the reporter will not be disclosed. Henkel has no claim against the ombudsperson for the release of documents provided by the reporter or produced by the ombudsperson in connection with the processing of the report. The Compliance department will investigate the matter – depending on the case with the support of the ombudsperson – and inform the ombudsperson of the progress and outcome of the investigation. The reporter will also be informed of the outcome of the investigation, insofar as this is legally permissible, within 3 (maximum 6) months.

The ombudsperson is available to receive further information from the reporter and, if necessary, will address additional questions to the reporter arising from the internal investigations. In doing so, the ombudsperson shall also take into account the interests of the employees concerned and the provisions of data protection law.

By contacting us, the reporter agrees to the data protection conditions shown here.

In agreement with Henkel's Compliance Officer, the ombudsperson may involve investigating authorities.

Insofar as the reporter has acted in good faith and in accordance with the law, Henkel will not take any action against him/her or disadvantage him/her on the basis of the report.

You can reach Dr. von Coelln in her function as ombudsperson of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA as follows:

Phone: +49 211 44 03 57 71

Fax: +49 211 44 03 57 77


Encrypted communication by e-mail is only possible after the encryption certificate has been exchanged between the two email addresses. Therefore, if you wish to submit your message in encrypted form by email, you would first need to send Dr. von Coelln a short email to which she can reply for the purpose of exchanging the encryption certificate. Once you have received the response, you can send your message encrypted.