Christian Heuking
Christian Heuking was admitted to the bar in 1998. Before the HEUKING · VON COELLN law firm’s establishment, he worked as a lawyer and in a corporate managerial capacity.
After studying in Saarbrücken and Bonn and completing his practical professional training in the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court district, he initially joined a national law firm in Düsseldorf specialising in corporate crime law. Public commercial law, public procurement law, energy law and antitrust law were among his fields of activity. From there, he moved to a group energy supply company in Northern Germany where he headed the legal department. As head of the legal department, he was responsible for legal assistance during committee meetings and was himself a member of various supervisory boards of mixed-economy companies in the energy sector and the waste disposal sector. He was also the Compliance Officer. From this position he returned to Düsseldorf in 2011, where he worked as a partner in a large law firm in the area of corporate crime law until 2013.
Due to his special theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of corporate crime law, the Düsseldorf Bar Association awarded him the title “Criminal Law Specialist” and the German Criminal Defence Lawyers Association awarded him the title “Certified Corporate Crime Law Advocate (DSV)”.
In 2019, WirtschaftsWoche awarded Christian Heuking the title of Top Corporate Crime Lawyer.
Christian Heuking acts as ombudsman for various private and public law companies. He also regularly publishes and lectures on topics related to corporate crime.
- Düsseldorf Bar Association
- Criminal Law Working Group in the German Lawyers Association
- German Bar Association e.V.
- Düsseldorf Lawyers Association
- Corporate Crime Law Association – WisteV
- Transparency International
- Sanktionierung von Verstößen nach Straf- und Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht (Sanctioning of acts under the criminal and administrative offences law), in: Nietsch (Ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility Compliance, 2021, S. 334 ff. (together with Dr. Sibylle von Coelln)
- Hinweisgebersysteme und Ombudspersonen (Whistleblowing Systems and Ombudspersons, in: Rübenstahl/Hahn/Voet van Vormizeele (Ed.), Handbuch Kartell Compliance, 2019, S. 917 ff. (together with Dr. Sibylle von Coelln)
- Korruptionsrisiken bei Rahmenvereinbarungen, Beitrag im e-Book "Vergaberecht 2020" (together with Christian Lantermann), gratis download:
- Regelungsbedürftige Materien in einem zukünftigen “Gesetz über Interne Ermittlungen” (Matters in need of regulation in a future “Internal Investigations Act”), NZWiSt 2019, 1 (together with Folker Bittmann, Matthias Brockhaus, Sibylle von Coelln)
- Berufsneutrale Handlungen an der Grenze zur Beihilfe im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht(Professional neutrality bordering on aiding and abetting in corporate crime law),WiJ 2017, 157(together with Dr Sibylle von Coelln)
- Review of “Sommer/Schmitz, Praxiswissen Korruptionsstrafrecht” (Practical knowledge of the law of corruption-related offences),WiJ 2017, 142
- Review of “Nico Herold, Whistleblower” KriPoZ 2017, 132
- Referentenentwurf für bundesweites Korruptionsregister (Draft bill for a nationwide corruption register), guest contribution of 28/2/2017 in
- Comment on BGH, Decision of 13/10/2016 – 3 StR 352/16, BB 2016, 3089
- Review of “Michael Nietsch (Ed.), Unternehmenssanktionen im Umbruch” (Corporate Sanctions in Transition),KriPoZ 2016,150
- Comment on South Bavaria Procurement Review Chamber Decision of 1/2/2016 – Z3 – 3-3194-1-58-11/15, published on 1/5/2016 in
- Whistleblowing ist Teil des Compliance-Managements — Rechtsstaatlichkeit erfordet offensiven Umgang auch im öffentlichen Sektor (Whistleblowing is part of compliance management — the rule of law also requires an aggressive approach in the public sector), innovative VERWALTUNG 4/2016, 11 ff.
- Die Neuregelung des § 299 StGB – Das Geschäftsherrenmodell als Mittel zur Bekämpfung der Korruption? (The new revision of § 299 of the German Criminal Code – The employer model as a means to fight corruption?) BB 2016, 323 (together with Dr Sibylle von Coelln)
- Zuverlässigkeit nach Kartellabsprache – Anforderungen an die notwendigen personellen Konsequenzen bei der vergaberechtlichen Selbstreinigung, Anmerkung zu BKartA-Beschluss vom 12.06.2015 (Credibility following a cartel agreement – Requirements for the necessary personnel consequences in self-cleaning under public procurement law, Comment on the German Federal Cartel Office Decision of 12/6/2015) – VK 2-31/15, BB 2015, 2324
- Die aktuelle Diskussion um Buße oder Strafe für Unternehmen (The current debate about fines or criminal penalties for companies), BB 2014, 3016 ff. (together with Dr Sibylle von Coelln)
- Der Compliance-Officer – Aufgaben und Anforderungen, (The Compliance Officer – Duties and Requirements), Information Wissenschaft und Praxis, Volume 95, Issue 6 2014, 327 ff.
- Das Gesetz zur Errichtung eines Registers zum Schutz fairen Wettbewerbs, Mitteilungen des SH Landkreistages (The Law on the Establishment of a Register for the Protection of Fair Competition, Mitteilungen Schleswig-Holstein County Association reports), 3/2013, p. 4 ff.
- Zur Untreuestrafbarkeit des Rechtsanwalts, Anmerkung zu BGH 3 StR 438/12 (Lawyers’ criminal liability for breach of trust, Comment on BGH 3 StR 438/12) – Decision of 5/3/2013, BB 2013, 1747.
- Prozentualer Abschlag bei Kartellgeldbußen wegen rechtsstaatswidriger Verfahrensverzögerung – Anmerkung zu BGH KRB 20/12 (Percentage discount for antitrust fines due to procedural delay contrary to the rule of law – Comment on BGH KRB 20/12) – Judgment of 26/2/2013, BB 2013, 1298.
- Strafbarkeitsrisiken beim Submissionsbetrug (Criminal liability risks in tender fraud), BB 2013, 1155 ff.
- Public Compliance – Maßnahmen zur Regelkonformität im öffentlichen Sektor (Public Compliance – Measures for regulatory compliance in the public sector), DÖV 2012, 827 ff. (together with Dr Sibylle von Coelln)
Recent presentations
- "Ruhr Corporate Crime Law Practice – Criminal risks of uncommitted professional behaviour (speakers: Professor Dr. Osman Isfen, Open University Hagen, and Senior Public Prosecutor Wolf-Tilman Baumert, Public Prosecution Service Wuppertal)", Moderation of the event of the Corporate Crime Law Association on 27/6/2019 in Essen
- "Contact person for the prevention of corruption", presentation at the educational centre of the Federal Armed Forces on 28/5/2019 in Mannheim
- "Compliance in Municipal Enterprises: Detecting risks, implementing guidelines, avoiding infringements”, presentation at the VKU Info Day on 14/2/2019 in Cologne
- "Compliance in Municipal Enterprises: Detecting risks, implementing guidelines, avoiding infringements”, presentation at the VKU Info Day on 15/1/2019 in Leipzig
- "Information provided by the debtor – Obligations, chances and risks from the criminal law's perspecitve", presentation at the 7thEssen Insolvency Forum on 14/11/2018 in Essen
- “Pitfalls in Criminal Proceedings”, In-house training at one of the leading German legal expenses insurance companies on 16/3/2018 and 24/4/2018, both in Düsseldorf
- “Combating Corruption in the Municipal Economy”, presentation at the VKU Info Day on 9/11/2017 in Hanover
- “Compliance – Implementation in Practice”, presentation at the VKU Info Day on 9/11/2017 in Hanover
- “Crisis, Wages and Criminal Law – Pitfalls in the Area of § 266a of the German Criminal Code”, presentation at the 6thEssen Insolvency Forum on 8/11/2017 in Essen
- “Suitability, exclusion, self-cleaning – tightened compliance” presentation at the working breakfast “Reform of public procurement law – practical experience after the first year” on 4/5/2017 in Düsseldorf
- “Risk workshops as an element of an effective CMS” Online seminar by Webcounselor on 6/4/2017
- “International Compliance – Avoiding Legal Violations and Liability as a Result of Employees’ Business Activities Abroad” presentation at the “Business Travel and Employee Posting Abroad” seminar of the Mid Ruhr Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bochum on 22/3/2017
- “Risk workshops as an element of an effective CMS”, online seminar by Webcounselor on 17/2/2017
- “One foot in the slammer?!”, presentation on the occasion of a lawyers’ seminar on 16/2/2017 in Düsseldorf
- “Risk workshops as part of Compliance Management”, online seminar by Lexis Nexis on 25.01.2017
- “Fundamentals and Features of a Professional Compliance Management System (CMS)”, online seminar by Webcounselor on 13/1/2017
- “One foot in the slammer?!”, presentation on the occasion of a lawyers’ seminar on 15/12/2016 in Düsseldorf
- “Compliance in Municipal Enterprises”, presentation at the VKU Info Day on 1/12/2016 in Leipzig
- “Compliance in Municipal Enterprises”, presentation at the VKU Information Day on 10/11/2016 in Leipzig
- “Current Developments in Restructuring Consulting – on the Liability of Consultants and Administrators”, presentation at the 5thEssen Insolvency Forum on 9/11/2016 in Essen
- “One foot in the slammer?!”, presentation on the occasion of a lawyers’ seminar on 22/09/2016 in Düsseldorf
- “Suitability, Exclusion, Self-Cleaning – stricter compliance”, presentation at the working breakfast “New Public Procurement Law 2016” organised by Lindenau Prior on 14/4/2016 in Düsseldorf
- “Corruption in Companies – Current criminal law tightening as well as Liability Issues and Compliance”, presentation at the Essen Entrepreneur Breakfast organised by GÖRG Rechtsanwälte on 10/3/2016 in Essen
- “Fundamentals of a Professional Compliance Management System (CMS)”, online seminar by Webcounselor on 04/03/2016
- “The Compliance Officer – Liability and Conduct Issues”, LexisNexis Online Seminar 25/11/2015
- “Criminal law pitfalls in protective shield proceedings”, presentation at the 4thEssen Insolvency Forum in Essen on 10/11/2015
- “The Anti-Corruption Act – New Challenges for Companies and Lawyers”, presentation at a lawyers’ seminar on 05/11/2015 in Düsseldorf (together with Dr Sibylle von Coelln)
- “Fundamentals and Features of a Professional Compliance Management System (CMS)”, Online seminar by Webcounselor on 30/10/2015
- “Fundamentals and Features of a Professional Compliance Management System (CMS)”, Online seminar by Webcounselor on 16/07/2015
- “Prevention of Corruption in Public Procurement”, presentation on the occasion of the 3rdJoint Workshop of the Anti-Corruption Commissioners of the NRW Police on 16/06/2015 at the LZPD in Duisburg
- “Fundamentals and Features of a Professional Compliance Management System (CMS)”, Online seminar by Webcounselor on 13/03/2015
- “Risks in Corporate Management: Who is liable – and how?”, presentation at the Lower Rhine Chamber of Industry and Commerce Duisburg – Wesel – Kleve as part of the “NRW Security Partnership” initiative on 5/3/2015
- “Fundamentals and Features of a Professional Compliance Management System (CMS)”, Online seminar by Webcounselor on 28/11/2014
- “The Compliance Officer – Duties, Position, Requirements”, presentation at the 4thDGI Practice Day 21/11/2014 in Frankfurt/Main
- “Criminal Law in Insolvency – Duties and Potentials for Administrators and Consultants”, presentation on the occasion of the 3rdEssen Insolvency Forum on 11/11/2014 in Essen
- “Compliance in the Utilities Industry”, presentation on the occasion of the 57thmeeting of the German IBA-SEERIL Group on 26/9/2014 in Cologne
- “Professional Compliance Management System”, Online seminar by WebiLEX on 14/8/2014
- “Criminal offences within the company and tax law adjustment obligations”, presentation on the occasion of a lawyers’ breakfast meeting on 3/7/2014 in Düsseldorf
- “Corporate Management Liability under Criminal and Liability Law”, Guest presentation at the Faculty of Economics of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences on 5/6/2014 in Düsseldorf
- “Criminal Offences within the company and tax law adjustment obligations”, presentation on the occasion of a lawyers’ breakfast meeting on 3/7/2014 in Düsseldorf
- “Professional Compliance Management System”, Online seminar by WebiLEX on 31/01/2014
- “Compliance in the Energy Industry”, presentation to the Forum Contracting General Meeting on 12/7/2013 in Düsseldorf
- “When the public prosecutor comes calling...”, presentation at the member event of the Duisburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 8/7/2013 in Duisburg
- “Corporate Management Liability under Criminal and Liability Law”, Guest presentation at the Faculty of Economics of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences on 5/6/2014 in Düsseldorf
- “Public Prosecutor’s Office Investigations in the Company”, presentation together with Mr Ralf Möllman, Düsseldorf, public prosecutor, before the Legal Committee of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 24/4/2013 in Düsseldorf
- “Criminal Consequences of Corruption”, presentation event of the Schleswig-Holstein County Association on 17/4/2013 in Rendsburg
- “Corporate Management Liability under Criminal and Liability Law”, guest presentation at the Faculty of Economics of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences on 31/5/2012 in Düsseldorf
- “Compliance in SMEs”, presentation at the egeb Entwicklungsgesellschaft Brunsbüttel Entrepreneurs’ Day on 22/5/2012 in Itzehoe